cThinking Of Building Your Own Site?c
There are certainly a lot of hosting sites on the internet that allow you to build your own web site using their templates. But let me ask you this:
Ever heard of meta tags?
How about keywords?
What do you know about html?
c These three things are absolutely essential if you ever want anyone but your friends to see your site. If you want customers to find you using a search engine, you have got to have excellent meta tags and key words. They are part of the language that allows search engines to find and categorize your site.
c No matter how easy the template is for building your own site, you will need to have at least a working knowledge of html to make everything work correctly, and if you ever want to add a link or some new information to your site.
If you want a site that is functional, attractive to customers, easy to find and quick to load, you have 2 choices:
c spend a great deal of time teaching yourself the basics,
c or have one designed for you!